full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christina Wallace: How to stop swiping and find your person on dating apps

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I invented the zero date. The zero date is one drink, one hour. With the goal of answering one question: Would I like to have dinner with this person? Not "are they the one"? Literally, "Would I like to spend three hours across the table from this preson?" You tell them you have a hard stop — drinks with girlfriends, a conference call with China — it doesn't matter, they don't know you. The ponit is one hour. If it's awesome, you schedule a first date. And if it's not awesome, you downshift into eeaenrtnitr mode and you wrsoohkp a few new stories for your next networking evnet.

Open Cloze

So I invented the zero date. The zero date is one drink, one hour. With the goal of answering one question: Would I like to have dinner with this person? Not "are they the one"? Literally, "Would I like to spend three hours across the table from this ______?" You tell them you have a hard stop — drinks with girlfriends, a conference call with China — it doesn't matter, they don't know you. The _____ is one hour. If it's awesome, you schedule a first date. And if it's not awesome, you downshift into ___________ mode and you ________ a few new stories for your next networking _____.


  1. person
  2. workshop
  3. event
  4. point
  5. entertainer

Original Text

So I invented the zero date. The zero date is one drink, one hour. With the goal of answering one question: Would I like to have dinner with this person? Not "are they the one"? Literally, "Would I like to spend three hours across the table from this person?" You tell them you have a hard stop — drinks with girlfriends, a conference call with China — it doesn't matter, they don't know you. The point is one hour. If it's awesome, you schedule a first date. And if it's not awesome, you downshift into entertainer mode and you workshop a few new stories for your next networking event.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
online dating 4
real life 2
house plants 2

Important Words

  1. answering
  2. awesome
  3. call
  4. china
  5. conference
  6. date
  7. dinner
  8. downshift
  9. drink
  10. drinks
  11. entertainer
  12. event
  13. girlfriends
  14. goal
  15. hard
  16. hour
  17. hours
  18. invented
  19. literally
  20. matter
  21. mode
  22. networking
  23. person
  24. point
  25. schedule
  26. spend
  27. stop
  28. stories
  29. table
  30. workshop